Wind Ensemble
The Jackson County Wind Ensemble is the premier performance group at Jackson County High School and consists of instrumentalists (Grades 9-12) who perform at the highest level. The students rehearse during the day as well as some after school rehearsals/sectionals. The group performs a minimum of three concerts a year in addition to the Large Group Performance Evaluation (LGPE) as well as other state, regional, and national conferences and events. Membership in the Wind Ensemble is determined by an audition that is conducted during the previous school year.
Symphonic & Concert Bands
The Jackson County Symphonic Band is the second concert ensemble and the Concert Band is the third concert ensemble at Jackson County High School and consists of instrumentalists of varying grades (9-12) who rehearse during the day. These groups perform a minimum of three concerts a year in addition to the Large Group Performance Evaluation (LGPE). Membership in the Symphonic Band is determined by an audition that is conducted during the previous school year.
Jazz Ensemble(s)
The Jackson County Jazz Ensembles are composed of instrumentalists of varying grades (9-12) who wish to participate in a performance based group that focuses on the jazz genre and the corresponding sub genres of jazz. The groups performs 3-4 concerts as well as other community and school events. They also attend at least 1 competition each year. Placement auditions for the Jazz Ensembles take place during the Fall Semester.
Color Guard
The Jackson County Color Guard team(s) are auditioned based and comprised of students of varying grades (9-12) who wish to rehearse and perform in the Visual Component of the Band Program. The group attends band camp and all weekly after school rehearsals. The Color Guard performs at all pep rallies, football games, marching band competitions, as well as various performances as scheduled by the instructors.
Percussion Ensemble(s)
The Jackson County Percussion Ensembles are composed of instrumentalists of varying grades (9-12) who wish to participate in a performance based group that focuses on basic percussion skills as well as percussion ensemble literature. The groups perform concerts each year, as well as other community and school events.